As the world recovers from the global economic crisis, trade and investment has been the main object to develop a strong and stable economy of the UK and across Europe. The British government stepped dare not only to ensure full economic recovery but also to become the leading economy in the world. To do this, the UK government has set some rules and policies that are expected to increase the exposure of New England trade. The new rules called Trade White Paper, the main focus is to increase support for small and medium businesses enterprises.
The Trade White Paper proposes to provide additional support to exporters, new trade finance and insurance products. This policy has been launched to ensure the UK wholesale suppliers, exporters, manufacturers and traders also compete with their competitors, not only in domestic market but also overseas market. The proposal also recommends that environmental regulations should be improved European partners while reducing the required accounting and auditing. Thus, according to the proposal was praised by the Prime Minister of the Government of British trade policy should act on a number of levels which are discussed below.
• Best domestic environment should be created to support a competitive business and make the UK an attractive place for foreign investment. It is also important to create business opportunities in the UK wholesale market for developing countries, while removing all sorts of barriers and obstacles from the way of effective import and export. Keep good relations with the EU, the WTO and the G20 to promote trade and investment and to meet the challenges of a particular market. Also promote the low-carbon transition and resource efficiency for the proposed technological innovations to improve the economy of the UK.
• Special attention is given to ikakalakal in foreign countries such as securing significant contracts in the United States on public-private partnerships and high-speed rail transit. Started negotiations with the EU-Japan free trade agreement while finalizing the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement during 2011. Also to ensure free trade agreements with ASEAN countries is provided.
• Working closely with trade and investment in countries such as Singapore, Switzerland, Australia, Brazil and New Zealand, while also supporting the UK's domestic wholesale trade. Encourage stronger partnerships with Israeli companies to excel in high-tech and science. Give full support for the delivery of agreed bilateral trade target India, China, Turkey and South Africa. As China is the largest contributor to the world economy so as to encourage more Chinese investment in the UK and urged China to join the global Procurement Agreement which could be a major step towards the stability of the UK economy.
• Develop opportunities such as London and Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012 and 2016. Develop support for the conflict, and the war-torn country fragile. Last but not least, the development of the common law to protect intellectual property businesses worldwide traders also proposed.According UK government White Paper Trade Policy will help give them the UK economy in the short term and long term. More precise implementation make the budget in the UK 2011.
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