(Correct spelling the name Monique Goyens'.) Is regarded as one of the great success of the European Union: the establishment of a single market in which 27 countries ikakalakal freely among themselves to iron everything in meat. Meat, however, seems to include some horse meat labeled as beef.Merchants in England, France, Ireland, and Sweden took the food and frozen hamburger patties their shelves after tests showed the DNA has a horse in what should beef. While the regulator said there was no risk to human health, the case underscores the challenges of monitoring the food supply of 500 million EU consumers.Horse meat found in the frozen lasagna in the UK, for example, appears to have originated from Romania and graduated mediator in four other countries before it reaches the shelves Tesco's store (Teso), Wal-Mart (WMT) Asda, and other chains. In a separate case, Burger King (BKW) British Unit recently found DNA traces of horse burgers provided by the Irish company that imported meat from Poland.The suspicion that no unscrupulous suppliers replaced horse meat, which costs a little less than meat cows. However, a large number of intermediaries makes it difficult to know who is responsible. "We need to get this fog," said French Agriculture Minister Stéphane Le foll in an interview on RTL radio today. "That way, we can establish traceability." French authorities say frozen "beef" food provided in supermarkets in the UK, France, Sweden and Luxembourg organized a factory owned by a French company, which buys meat from other suppliers French . Suppliers, in turn, said that buying meat from a Cypriot businessman, who subcontracted orders to Dutch merchants, who get a Romanian meat from the slaughterhouse. So far, there are no suppliers who admitted deliberately selling horses meat.Adding trouble untangling the supply chain is the fact that the regulation of food safety in the European Union has established and implemented by the national government. "For processed foods, no global picture of where food comes from," said Monique Goyens, director general of the European Consumers Organisation Brussels.What's more crises, Goyens said European finance has led to "cutting the financial resources and resource man "dedicated to food inspection and sampling. With the huge amount of food that pass freely across national borders, "if there is a weak link in the government, it can go wrong," he said. Scandal horse meat "is a problem waiting to happen." Officials of the European Union, however, believes the system works pretty well. "The simple fact that within a few hours or 48 hours we can have an idea of ​​what is going on, which indicates that the traceability European works," Frederic Vincent, spokesman for EU health and consumer, said at a press conference in Brussels today. "We can keep track of what to do. If the whole process has several scams, member states to take measures for the legal level. "Goyens European Consumers Organisation said much of the rapid response. "The first element of the scandal known in mid-January in Ireland," when the horse meat is found in meat obtained from local suppliers Poland, he said. "If it's a public health issue, it's a disaster." Although many consumers in the UK and Ireland who rejected the idea, eat horse meat are relatively common on the Continent. EU agriculture directorate estimates that Europe consumes 80,000 metric tons of horse meat each year, about a third of which are imported from outside the reporting bloc.With by Rudy Ruitenberg Bloomberg News
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